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a picture of pink flowers with color swatches that match the flower design

Welcome to Inside my Studio!

Hello there paintees and welcome! 

I am very excited to be able to now have my very own place to share and communicate all kinds of news and information with all of you. I have many ideas and plans to share so I wanted to combine all of those things here, on my new, studio blog!

Here at Inside My Studio, one major goal I have is to encourage all of you. To let you know that you CAN paint. I have many stories to share with you here that will inspire you in the future. Stories about my students who never dreamed they could pick up a brush and be able to express themselves in a way that gave them so much joy. I am here to tell you that you CAN. I promise. 

I plan on sharing tips and ideas here with you, my readers, to try and peel away at your creativity with painting. Painting CAN happen and it CAN be for what ever reason you like - spending some time with a paint brush can be very therapeutic for physical, emotional and mental well-being. It sounds cliche' but it can be so true. I will share some of those things here on my blog and how my painting reflects both art and in my own life. 

Our art is always evolving and so does life. Here, we can learn from each other, share ideas, embrace those difficulties and persevere through tough chapters and moments in our lives.  

"I hope to be able to share all things creative, not just art news but tips, and new design ideas, but also share about some of my other interests that are part of my creative world. Interests like cooking/baking, fun crafts, organizing hacks and even maybe decorating! I have found those other "interests" can co-exist very nicely together and plan on sharing lots here!"

I am just getting started with all the plans and ideas I have in store here, so be sure to check back often so you don't miss anything here, Inside My Studio!

Until next time!

Happy painting! 


1 Reply on Welcome to Inside my Studio!

  • Michael O'Brian Michael O'Brian

    I like your refreshing outlook – I am just starting to tap into my creative painting side and I look forward to learning more!

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